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Global Journal of Physical Chemistry. Volume 2, Issue 2 (2011) pp. 129-135
Research Article
Free Article
Synthesis and structural characterisation of Ag2SnFe(PO43 and Na1.5X1.5Sb0.3(PO43 (X = Ti, Sn) Nasicon like phosphates
A. Aatiq, B. Haggouch, R. Tigha
Université HassanII-Mohammedia, Département de Chimie, Laboratoire de Chimie des Matériaux Solides, Faculté des Sciences Ben M’Sik, Avenue Idriss El harti, B.P. 7955, Casablanca, Morocco
Abstract |
The crystal structures of Ag2SnFe(PO43 and Na1.5X1.5Sb0.3(PO432SnFe(PO43 crystallises in R3c space group with a partial occupancy of M1 (Ag(1)) and M2 (Ag(2)) sites and statistical distribution of Sn(Fe) atoms within the Nasicon framework. Both Na1.5X1.5Sb0.3(PO430.50](3a)[Na0.35](3b)]}M1 [Na0.45]M2 [Ti1.50Sb0.30Na0.20]A(PO43 and {[Na0.50](3a)[Na0.44](3b)]}M1 [Na0.36]M2 [Sn1.50Sb0.30Na0.20]A(PO43. Structural refinements confirm that 1.5 X4+, 0.3 Sb5+ and 0.2 Na+ are orderly distributed within the two possible positions of the framework A sites.
Keywords |
Nasicon; Crystal structure; Phosphate; Rietveld refinement; X ray diffraction