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Global Journal of Analytical Chemistry 2012, 3: 7
Research Article
Thermogravimetric analysis for solid-state foamed tissue
engineering scaffold of PLA
Gepu Guoa, Qingyu Maa, Dong Zhangb
a Key Laboratory of Optoelectronics of Jiangsu Province, School of Physics and Technology,
Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210046, China
b Institute of Acoustics, Key Laboratory of Modern Acoustics, Ministry of Education,
Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China
Abstract |
In this paper, based on the requirement of tissue engineering scaffold for different tissues or organs, a solid-state foaming system was designed to fabricate the microcellular foams for the biodegradable material PLA and several PLA foams with different pore sizes were obtained at various fabrication parameters. The thermogravimetric analysis was applied to analyze the thermal stability, onset temperature and activation energy of the fabricated PLA foams, and the PLA raw material was also investigated for comparison. Based on the calculated activation energy and the pre-exponential factor of each specimen, the thermal decomposition characteristics can be analyzed and the corresponding lifetime can be estimated. It is demonstrated that the thermal stability decreases after the foaming process, and the PLA foam with smaller pore size has lower onset temperature and longer degradation time at body temperature of 37 ?. The favorable results of the relationship between the stable property of the PLA foams and the pore size distribution can be used for fabrication parameter optimzation to satisfy the requirement for practical applications of tissue engineering scaffold.
Keywords |
Tissue engineering scaffold; PLA; Solid-state foaming; Thermo Gravimetric Analysis (TGA)