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  Global Journal of Surgery. Volume 1, Issue 2 (2010) pp. 144-148
  Research Article
Clinicopathological study of benign breast diseases – A prospective study
  Geetha K.R*, B.H.Anand Rao, Saravanan C, Zeeshan  
Department of Surgery, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, Karnataka, India
  Benign breast diseases are one of the most confused areas of surgical disease, largely resulting from the undue but understandable preoccupation with cancer at the expense of benign conditions. These clinically defined benign breast symptoms have been estimated to occur in 50% of women at some point in their lifetime. Aims of our study was to determine the demographic profile of benign breast diseases, analyze the clinical profile and various investigational modalities used in diagnosing benign breast diseases, analyze the methodologies used in the treatment of benign breast diseases and the response to treatment during the available follow-up period. Ours was a prospective study which included patients with benign breast diseases who attended the general surgery OPD at Kasturba Hospital, Manipal during the one year period from 1st January 2004 to 31st December 2004. The patients were subjected to detailed clinical examination and relevant investigations were performed namely mammography, aspiration cytology and frozen section, if needed. The treatment modalities were studied and patients were followed up within the available period. The results were tabulated and analyzed. The benign breast diseases are seen predominantly in the reproductive age group (86.95%) with a mean age of 35 years. Fibroadenomas (47.82%) are the most common benign disease of the breast in patients presenting at Kasturaba Hoapital, Manipal. A lump (95.65%) is the most common complaint. The upper and outer quadrant (45.28%) is the most common area of affliction with left sided predominance. In our study, FNAC is the most common investigational modality done. Surgery in the form of excision of the lump is the treatment of choice in the majority of cases in our study. Clinical findings gave a fairly accurate diagnosis when compared with histopathological examination report.
  Benign breast diseases; ANDI; Fibroadenoma; Fibrocystic disease of breast; FNAC; Mammogram  

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