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Global Journal of Biochemistry. Volume 2, Issue 4 (2011) pp. 283-288
Review Article
Natural antibody - Biochemistry and functions
Ali Seyar Rahyaba, Amit Alama, Aricka Kapoorc, Ming Zhanga,b
a Department of Anesthesiology
b Department of Cell Biology, State University of New York
Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY 11203
c CUNY Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, NY 11210
Abstract |
Natural antibodies have been common knowledge in the scientific community for more than half a century. Initially disregarded, their functions have garnered a newfound interest recently. Natural antibodies are usually polyreactive IgM antibodies and are implicated in numerous physiologic and pathologic processes. Current research demonstrates they play a role in adaptive and innate immune responses, autoimmunity, and apoptosis. Evidence exists that they are involved in the modulation of neurodegenerative disorders and malignancy. Furthermore, natural antibodies have been implicated in ischemia reperfusion injury and atherosclerosis. As such the study of natural antibodies may provide new insight into normal physiologic processes whilst concurrently paving the road for a wide-range of possible therapeutic options.
Keywords |
Natural antibody; Complement; Structure; Function; Physiology; Pathobiology