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Physics Express 2011, 1: 14
Research Article
Measurement of the convective heat transfer coefficient around a vertical hot wire in different heights using Michelson interferometer based on Abel transform
Samira Fatehia, Khosro Madanipourb,c, Parviz Parvina,c
a Department of Physics, Amirkabir University of Technology, P.O.Box 15875-4413,Tehran, Iran
b Optical Measurement Central Laboratory, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
c Optics, Laser and Photonics Institute, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Abstract |
In this work, the convective heat transfer coefficient h of a vertical hot wire was measured by Michelson interferometer in different wire segments. The electrical wire carrying several amperes was situated in one of the interferometer arms in order to record the interference pattern. Subsequently the temperature gradient around the heat source changes the linear fringes to be curved. The air refractive index profile n(r) as well as the density ?(r) were evaluated by obtaining the fringe shift and employing the Abel transform leading to the spatial temperature profile T(r) and h measurement as well.
Keywords |
Refractive index; Spatial temperature profile; Convective heat transfer coefficient; Michelson interferometer