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Physics Express 2012, 2: 8
Research Article
Analysis of the magnetic anisotropy in Fe-Co-Nb-B alloys partially amorphized by mechanical alloying
J. J. Ipusa,b, J. S. Blázqueza, V. Francoa, A. Condea, S. Lozano-Pérezc
a Departamento de Física de la Materia Condensada, ICMSE-CSIC,
Universidadde Sevilla, P.O. Box 1065, 41080, Sevilla, Spain
b Materials Science and Engineering Departament,
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA
c Department of Materials, University of Oxford,
Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PH, UK
Abstract |
Effective magnetic anisotropy evolution of mechanically alloyed (Fe100-xCox)0.75Nb10B15 powders has been analyzed using three contributions: average magnetocrystalline, average short range magnetoelastic and long range magnetoelastic anisotropies. The effect of the presence of amorphous phase on the average magnetocrystalline contribution has been taken into account modifying previous models. Once microstrains can be considered saturated, the analysis supplies information about the relative values of exchange stiffness constant, which increases as the Curie temperature increases.
Keywords |
Soft magnetic materials; Mechanical alloying; Amorphous and nanocrystalline materials; Magnetic anisotropy