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  Physics Express 2012, 2: 13
  Research Article
A study on mechanical and pressure-sensitive properties of cement mortar with SiO2and CuO nanoparticles
  Mohammad Reza Arefia, Ehsan Mollaahmadib, Hakimeh Zare-Bbidakic, Alireza Aslanid  
a Islamic Azad University, Yazd Brunch, Young researchers Club, Yazd, Islamic Republic of Iran
b Islamic Azad University, Yazd Brunch, Yazd, Islamic Republic of Iran
c Institute for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
d Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Basic Science, Jundi Shapur University of Technology, Dizful, Islamic Republic of Iran

  The mechanical properties and self-monitoring capability of cement mortar containing nanoparticles of SiO2 or nanoparticles of CuO were experimentally studied and compared with that of plain cement paste. The results showed that the compressive and flexural strengths measured at the 30th day of cement mortar containing nanoparticles of SiO2 or nanoparticles of CuO were both higher than that of plain cement mortar with the same water–binder ratio (w/b).
  Composite; Mortar; Nanoparticles; Mechanical properties; CuO; SiO2  

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