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Physics Express 2013, 3: 11
Research Article
Effect of phase co-existence on the magnetocaloric and transport
properties of nanosized Pr0.65(Ca0.6Sr0.4) 0.35MnO3
Anis Biswasa, Tapas Samantab, I. Das
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics Division, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, 1/AF, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700 064, India
a Present Address: University of South Florida, Tampa, FL 33620 USA
b Present Address: Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901 USA
Abstract |
The magnetocaloric and transport properties of nanosized Pr0.65(Ca0.6Sr0.4) 0.35MnO3 have been studied. The system exhibits appreciably large magnetic entropy change (-ΔS) around the ferromagnetic transition temperature (TC). The detailed analysis of magnetocaloric data reveals the presence of charge ordered phase along with ferromagnetic phase below TC, which leads to a breakdown of universal behavior of magnetocaloric effect. Interestingly above TC, the isothermal ΔS and the magnetic field induced change of resistivity are proportional to each other, whereas such a proportional relation does not hold below TC.
Keywords |
Magnetocaloric; Transport; Magnetotransport; Manganites; Nanocrystalline