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  Physics Express 2014, 4: 20
  Research Article
Research on a temperature controlled terahertz birefringence photonic crystal fiber
  Zhigang Zhanga,b, Jian Tangb, Jiankun Zhanga,b, Ming Chena,b, Juan Niea,b, Hui Chena,b  
a Guangxi Experiment Center of Information Science, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004, China
b Photoelectric Technology Research Institute, School of Information and Communication, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004, China

  Theoretical studies on the terahertz liquid crystal filled photonic crystal fiber (PCF) are presented at different temperatures. By using the full vector finite element method, the transmitting properties of PCF's fundamental mode are simulated. The results show that the increment of temperature allows optimized PCF's birefringence to turn continuously from 1.2×10-3 to 2.4×10-3 and confine loss to be declined from 0.07 dB/m to 0.03 dB/m. However, its chromatic dispersion and transmission mode have a little variation with temperature effect. Our proposed PCF can also work as a tunable terahertz polarization controller.
  Terahertz; Photonic crystal fiber; Transmission properties; Liquid crystal  

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