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  Journal of Spectroscopy and Dynamics 2014, 4: 15
  Research Article
Application of laser-induced plasma spectroscopy to the measurement of transition probabilities of Ca I
  A. Alonso-Medina  
Departamento de Física Aplicada, EUIT Industrial, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Ronda de Valencia 3, 28012 Madrid, Spain
  We present improved experimental transition probabilities for the optical Ca I 4s4p-4s4d and 4s4p-4p2 multiplets. The values were determined with an absolute uncertainty of 10%. Transition probabilities have been determined by the branching ratios from the measurement of relative line intensities emitted by laser-induced plasma (LIP). The line intensities were obtained with the target (lead-calcium) placed in argon atmosphere at 6 Torr, recorded at a 2.5 µs delay from the laser pulse, which provides appropriate measurement conditions, and analysed between 350.0 and 550.0 nm. They are measured when the plasma reaches local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE). The plasma is characterized by electron temperature (T) of 11400 K and an electron number density (Ne) of 1.1 x 1016 cm-3. The influence self-absorption has been estimated for every line, and plasma homogeneity has been checked. The values obtained were compared with previous experimental values in the literature. The method for measurement of transition probabilities using laser-induced plasma as spectroscopic source has been checked.
  Laser-induced plasma spectroscopy; Transition probabilities; Calcium; Plasma diagnostic  

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