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  Sci. Lett. J. 2012, 1: 10  
  Research Article
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Mössbauer studies of the nanostructured Fe (Si, Cr) alloys  
  B. Bouzabataa, Z. Bensebaaa, A. Djekouna, J. M. Grenècheb  
a Laboratoire de Magnétisme et de Spectroscopie des Solides (LM2S), Département de Physique, Faculté des Sciences, Université Badji Mokhtar- Annaba, B.P 12-23000 Annaba, Algérie
a Laboratoire de Physique de l’Etat Condensé, UMR CNRS 6087, Université du Maine, 72085 Le Mans, France

  Nanostructured Fe (Si,Cr) alloys were elaborated by mechanical alloying of pure elements with 3 compositions Fe80Si10Cr10 , Fe70Si20Cr10 and Fe75Si10Cr15 milled for 5, 10 and 15 hours (h). Mössbauer spectra of the milled powders, taken at room temperature, show a broad ferromagnetic component and for low silicon content (10% at.) a central paramagnetic singlet peak. Adequate computer fittings can then be achieved by a distribution of hyperfine fields P (B) from which the environments of the Fe atoms and the mean hyperfine parameters can be deduced. It is then seen that the nanostructured alloys are highly disordered. For the Fe80Si10Cr10 alloy, increasing the milling time up to 15 hours gives a more homogeneous distribution that can be separated in two regions for low and high fields that can be attributed to different atomic substitutions of the Fe atoms and/or to the contribution of the grain boundary structure. Increasing the Cr content such as in the nanostructured Fe75Si10Cr15 alloy induces a heterogeneous and larger distribution of hyperfine fields with 4 peaks, indicating the presence of various Fe environments usually observed in the FeCr alloys. In the contrary, adding the Si such as in the nanostructured Fe70Si20Cr10 alloy, inhibits the formation of the paramagnetic phase and favors the formation of nanoclusters with very small hyperfine fields.  
  Nanocrystalline material; Mechanical alloying; Fe (Cr,Si) alloy; 57Fe Mössbauer spectrometry  
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