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Sci. Lett. J. 2012, 1: 18
Research Article
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Ameliorative effect of selenium on the hepatotoxicity of methomyl, some common drugs and their combinations
Sameeh A. Mansoura, Ahmed A. Barakatb, Samia M. Mahafrasha, Tarek M. Heikala, Sayed A. El Mahyb
a Environmental Toxicology Research Unit (ETRU), Pesticide Chemistry Department,
National Research Centre (NRC), Dokki, Cairo, Egypt
b Department of Entomology & Pesticides, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Egypt
Abstract |
The present study was conducted to evaluate the adverse effects of long-term exposure to methomyl (M), glibenclamide (G), atenolol (A) and their combinations on liver biomarkers in male rats; with and without administration of selenium (S). All treatments were given via oral route for 90 days at a dose 0.2034 mg kg-1 b.wt. (1/100 LD50) of M, 0.833 mg kg-1 b.wt of A, 0.083 mg kg-1 b.wt of G and S at a dose 6.66 mg kg-1 b.wt, and rats were kept for 30 days as withdrawal periods. The body weights significantly decreased in most of the treatments with obvious marked difference in the treatment of M+G+A. Groups M, G & A, as single or in combinations altered the level of liver biomarkers (e.g., aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine transaminase (ALT), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), cholinesterase (ChE), albumin and glucose) in the sera. In contrast, liver biomarkers were improved in all the treatments after selenium supplementation and withdrawal periods. The results suggested that long-term exposure to M, G, A and their mixtures has resulted in biochemical alterations in male rats. The data of this study may be considered as a contribution to the problem of exposure to chemical multi-stressors, especially of common drugs-dependant patients.
Methomyl; Glibenclamide; Atenolol; Selenium; Liver; Enzymes; Rats